> Never use a *long word* where a *short* one will do.
— George Orwell
## *Thomas* Parisot
[thom4.net](https://thom4.net) –
![Pardon my French](../../images/pardon-my-french.jpg)
![Full Stack JavaScript](../../images/javascript.png)
## BBC R&D
![I published](../../images/npm.png)
[![Sud Web](../../images/sudweb.png)](http://sudweb.fr)
## Driven Development
19th July 2014 — [Write the Docs @ OKFestival](http://conf.writethedocs.org/eu/2014/unconf-berlin.html)
# Back to reality
Or how I figured out the usual *complexity* of things.
# State of *2011*
# Paris Web
To converse = to speak + to listen.
# Startup
4 developers, *trust* et remote working.
# Striving for *simplicity*
~~Specifications~~, sprints and coffee machine.
# Choosing the *tools*
GitHub, JavaScript and `npm install`.
# 1..*5* projects
## How do you *install* it?
## How can I *update* it already?
## What is the command line to *run the tests*?
# #wanted
## Better *documentation*.
Reward is obviously a bottle of wine
# Paradox
Or how we easily waste our *efforts*.
# Time
*invested* to create.
# Pleasure
to create *useful* software.
# Satisfaction
*to share* our work and findings.
## ------ -----------
# Evidence
*First* file usually displayed.
# Simple Markup
`#` + `*` + `**` + `!` + `[]()`
Markdown, RST, AsciiDoc etc.
# Fast
to *read*, to *learn* and to *write*.
# Pervasive
HTML, PDF, JSON, text file *etc*.
cf. [pandoc](http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/).
# In a *nutshell*
Who, what, when, where, why and how.
# Freedom
To consume and to contribute.
# Alongside
The *versioned* code.
# Examples
To provide *context*.
# *Shallow* limits
Trust your gut feelings.
# Content First
*Technicity* stays back.
## *Driven* -----------
## What do you *mean*?
## It's not only about *existing* projects.
## It's about *ideas* and *new* projects.
# *Before* writing code.
# Crystal *clear*
With ourself, our team and contributors.
# *Designing* code.
# Collecting *feedbacks*
Fix the bugs *before* writing code.
# Code *sketching*
Fast, straight to the point and *easy*.
## Driven *Development*
## From *text*…
## … to *code*.
# *Complexity* detection
Time to break your code.
# Pull Requests
[Better to split 'em](https://thom4.net/2013/the-55-commits-syndrome/).
## Issue the *intention*
## Request for *validation*
## Implement on *agreement*
## Eventually *someone else* will do it
## mdlint
Validates code in Markdown files.
## README Tree
# *Wrap*ping up
# Single *entrypoint*
# Shared *vision*
You + people.
# Explicit *intentions*
# Easier *dialogue*
Because part of the process.
# Faster *time to code*
(with better quality).
# *Simple*
If not, there is a problem.
# That's it!
# Credits
* https://xkcd.com/927/
* [Thanh](http://clients.tranches-de-vie.com/index.php/2011/paris-web-2011/1015-ateliers/img-0275)