# End-to-end *modular architecture* at the BBC
27th November 2015 — [Node.js @ BBC][] {.footer}
[Node.js @ BBC]: https://bbc.github.io/nodejs-at-the-bbc/
## Bonjour,
I am **Thomas**
[thom4.net](https://thom4.net) – [@thom4parisot](https://twitter.com/thom4parisot) {.footer}
![Pardon my French](../../images/pardon-my-french.jpg)
## BBC R&D
![Full Stack JavaScript](../../images/javascript.png)
![Sud Web](../../images/sudweb.png)
And photography.
# What is a **function**?
## `fn(...args)`
## `const result = fn(...args)`
## `try { fn(...args) }`
## `catch (err) { ... }`
The error is a signal, this is not *nothing*.
## `const emitter = fn(...args)`
## `emitter.on('success', ...)`
## `fn(...args).then(...)`
## To sum it up, a *function* is…
- a predictable output for a given input
- the function itself **does not persist** its own output
- **reproductible** at will
Matrices d'environnement : versions d'interpréteur, de navigateur etc.
## BBC R&D
Who are we?
# **Multidisciplinary** teams
Engineers, UX, design, researchers etc.
# Prototyping
Two weeks sprints, **studies**, exploration.
# **Pivot**
Beyond the idea: internal partners, political decisions, studies results etc.
# Quality and **flexbility**
# Programming = **facilitating**
Jeter le code n'est pas grave tant que c'est dans l'optique projet.
C'est un peu comme l'exemple d'agriculture pris auparavant.
# Example
# What is a
**Web app**?
A Web app is a *browser rendering* of some *HTML code* served by an *HTTP server*,
which itself is compiled or *interpreted* by a *program* before being provisioned
on a *computer machine*.
(Eventually, the data transit safely transit between the end user and the servers,
without being captured by a third party – even if funded by our taxes)
# #1 **Web browser**
## `open URL`
## `echo URL | open`
# #2 **UI** component
import { Cover } from '@project/element'
React.render(Cover, { … })
## **Autonomous**
We *bundle* CSS, images et tooling.
import { Component } from 'react';
exports default class Cover extends Component {
render (){
let className = this.state.active ? 'active' : '';
return (
## **browserify** all the way!
*transforms* are isolated and chainables.
## `npm publish`
`.npmrc` pour cibler le registre privé.
## **Movable**
(iframe rendering, then react-rails, then gulp, then pure npm)
# **Demo**
> This is how I'd like to work on all the projects I am involved in.
— Diego, UI designer
# #3 **Application**
npm install --save @project/element
PORT=3000 npm start
# static -p ${PORT:-5000} --gzip dist/
## ENV = **portability**
(think of it as a function argument)
## Problem
`npm install` can fail (for various reasons).
Package version can be deleted, semver madness, registry can be down.
## `npm pack`
Solid artifact.
## Something is **missing**
Install, build and and run are lost in a README.
# #4 **Container**
docker run -ti \
-p 5000:5000 \
-e STREAM_API_URL=https://... \
## *Application* as a **function**
`docker run -d ...` * `n`
## **System** dependencies
Application + dependencies {runtime, system, resources}.
## **Continuous Integration**
`docker-compose -f ci.yml run npm test`
(we hide it behind `make test`)
## **CPU** matters
(x86, ARMv6 etc.)
## `docker push`
# **Demo**
# #5 **Machine**
aws ec2 run-instances --image-id=... --user-data=...
aws ec2 create-tags --tags ... --resources i-...
## *Machine* as a **function**
## **OS** as an artifact
`AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=... packer build search-app.json`
# #6 **Data**
curl -X POST -d '{ "uri": "...", "callback_url": "..." }' \
## **Code** = *data*
## **Distributed event loop**
## Dependency **tree**
Polyglot processing.
# **Wrap-up**
A Web app is a *browser rendering* of some *HTML code* served by an *HTTP server*,
which itself is compiled or *interpreted* by a *program* before being provisioned
on a *computer machine*.
A Web app is a blend of *UI components* organised against *business rules* and
served by a *wrapped process* which is orchestrated by a *provisioned* machine.
# **Composition**
*Add* and *combine* — no implicit expectations.
# **State**
*Explicit* rather than implicit.
# **Functions**
Pure interfaces. Isolated state. Reproductible at will.
# **Artifacts**
Persisted *outputs*.
Movables, labeled and reproductibles.
# **Discoverability**
Every layer of our approach, by our own team and other teams.
**Functions** > *Frameworks*
# **Data**
The glue between our *systems*. Their *throughput* impacts the health of our functions.
Although we talked about programming, humans are also good at repetition. As human beings, we need variables and variability to maintain our sanity, and to sustain a good *state* of mind.
# Merci 👍