@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@
# End-to-end *modular architecture* at the BBC 27th November 2015 — [Node.js @ BBC][] {.footer} [Node.js @ BBC]: https://bbc.github.io/nodejs-at-the-bbc/
## Bonjour,
I am **Thomas** [thom4.net](https://thom4.net) – [@thom4parisot](https://twitter.com/thom4parisot) {.footer} @@@ ![Pardon my French](../../images/pardon-my-french.jpg) @@@ ## BBC R&D [github.com/bbcrd](https://github.com/bbcrd) [bbc.co.uk/rd](http://bbc.co.uk/rd) @@@ ![Full Stack JavaScript](../../images/javascript.png) [thom4.net/node.js](https://thom4.net/node.js) @@@ ![Sud Web](../../images/sudweb.png) [sudweb.fr](http://sudweb.fr) @@@ ~~~~ And photography.
# What is a **function**? @@@ ## `fn(...args)` @@@ ## `const result = fn(...args)` @@@ ## `try { fn(...args) }` ## `catch (err) { ... }` ~~~~ The error is a signal, this is not *nothing*. @@@ ## `const emitter = fn(...args)` ## `emitter.on('success', ...)` @@@ ## `fn(...args).then(...)` @@@ ## To sum it up, a *function* is… - a predictable output for a given input - the function itself **does not persist** its own output - **reproductible** at will ~~~~ Matrices d'environnement : versions d'interpréteur, de navigateur etc.
## BBC R&D Who are we? @@@ # **Multidisciplinary** teams Engineers, UX, design, researchers etc. @@@ # Prototyping Two weeks sprints, **studies**, exploration. @@@ # **Pivot** Beyond the idea: internal partners, political decisions, studies results etc. @@@ # Quality and **flexbility** @@@ # Programming = **facilitating** ~~~~ Jeter le code n'est pas grave tant que c'est dans l'optique projet. C'est un peu comme l'exemple d'agriculture pris auparavant.
# Example @@@ @@@ # What is a
**Web app**? @@@ A Web app is a *browser rendering* of some *HTML code* served by an *HTTP server*, which itself is compiled or *interpreted* by a *program* before being provisioned on a *computer machine*. (Eventually, the data transit safely transit between the end user and the servers, without being captured by a third party – even if funded by our taxes)
# #1 **Web browser** @@@ ![](images/browser.png) @@@ ## `open URL` @@@ ## `echo URL | open`
# #2 **UI** component @@@ ![](images/tile.png) @@@ ![](images/card.png) @@@ ![](images/oneliner.png) @@@ ```javascript import { Cover } from '@project/element' React.render(Cover, { … }) ``` @@@ ## **Autonomous** We *bundle* CSS, images et tooling. @@@ ```javascript require('./cover.scss'); import { Component } from 'react'; exports default class Cover extends Component { render (){ let className = this.state.active ? 'active' : ''; return (


); } } ``` @@@ ## **browserify** all the way! *transforms* are isolated and chainables. @@@ ## `npm publish` ~~~~ `.npmrc` pour cibler le registre privé. @@@ ## **Movable** (iframe rendering, then react-rails, then gulp, then pure npm) @@@ # **Demo** @@@ > This is how I'd like to work on all the projects I am involved in. — Diego, UI designer
# #3 **Application** @@@ ![](images/webapp.png) @@@ ```bash npm install --save @project/element PORT=3000 npm start # static -p ${PORT:-5000} --gzip dist/ ``` @@@ ## ENV = **portability** (think of it as a function argument) @@@ ## Problem `npm install` can fail (for various reasons). ~~~~ Package version can be deleted, semver madness, registry can be down. @@@ ## `npm pack` Solid artifact. @@@ ## Something is **missing** Install, build and and run are lost in a README.
# #4 **Container** @@@ ![](images/dockerfile.png) @@@ ```bash docker run -ti \ -p 5000:5000 \ -e STREAM_API_URL=https://... \ bbcrd/webapp ``` @@@ ## *Application* as a **function** `docker run -d ...` * `n` @@@ ## **System** dependencies Application + dependencies {runtime, system, resources}. @@@ ## **Continuous Integration** `docker-compose -f ci.yml run npm test` (we hide it behind `make test`) @@@ ## **CPU** matters (x86, ARMv6 etc.) @@@ ## `docker push` @@@ # **Demo**
# #5 **Machine** @@@ @@@ ```bash aws ec2 run-instances --image-id=... --user-data=... aws ec2 create-tags --tags ... --resources i-... ``` @@@ ## *Machine* as a **function** @@@ ## **OS** as an artifact `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=... packer build search-app.json`
# #6 **Data** @@@ ```bash curl -X POST -d '{ "uri": "...", "callback_url": "..." }' \ https://api.../analyse ``` @@@ ## **Code** = *data* @@@ @@@ ## **Distributed event loop** @@@ ## Dependency **tree** Polyglot processing. @@@
@@@ # **Wrap-up** @@@ A Web app is a *browser rendering* of some *HTML code* served by an *HTTP server*, which itself is compiled or *interpreted* by a *program* before being provisioned on a *computer machine*. @@@ A Web app is a blend of *UI components* organised against *business rules* and served by a *wrapped process* which is orchestrated by a *provisioned* machine. @@@ @@@ # **Composition** *Add* and *combine* — no implicit expectations. @@@ # **State** *Explicit* rather than implicit. @@@ # **Functions** Pure interfaces. Isolated state. Reproductible at will. @@@ # **Artifacts** Persisted *outputs*. Movables, labeled and reproductibles. @@@ # **Discoverability** Every layer of our approach, by our own team and other teams. **Functions** > *Frameworks* @@@ # **Data** The glue between our *systems*. Their *throughput* impacts the health of our functions.
~~~~ Although we talked about programming, humans are also good at repetition. As human beings, we need variables and variability to maintain our sanity, and to sustain a good *state* of mind. @@@ # Merci 👍