# e2e modular architecture at the BBC
4th June 2015 — [web2day](http://web2day.co)
# Node + React + Docker…
*Hype* Driven Development?
It is more than just names. It is about concepts, common concept.
And actually the language does not matter much.
## State + immutability + functions
It's all and only about that.
How are they related? And are they a concern to the previous concepts?
## `stdin` + `stdout` + `stderr`
It's all and only about that.
How are they related? And are they a concern to the previous concepts?
## Bonjour,
I am **Thomas**
[thom4.net](https://thom4.net) – [@thom4parisot](https://twitter.com/thom4parisot) {.footer}

## BBC R&D


And photography.
## BBC R&D
Some additional context.
# *Multi-disciplinary* team
Engineering, UX, design, science etc.
# Prototyping
Iterate, *analyse*, explore.
# Pivot
Stakeholders, partnerships, user study *findings* etc.
# Quality ~ *flexibility*
Both are important. We need both.
# *Flow* > block
You don't want to be pushed back by your code design.
You want to bin code because you want it, not because you need to rewrite it.
# Example

# Webapp
- Web interface
- Visual elements
- Data interface
- Web Application
- Host system
- Host machine
It is more than a single page you push over FTP.
# #1 Browser

open 'http://localhost:3000'
## `stdin` = URL
## `stdout` = screen buffer
## `stderr` = *Aw snap*

## State = *navigation controls*
`Cmd + R`, URL, Save as…
## Reproducibility = *varies*
Static vs. dynamic, Web application changed or not, DNS outage, in memory data etc.
# #2 UI Element

import Component from './lib/Cover.jsx'
React.render(Component, { … })
## `stdin` = state data
## `stdout` = React Element
Renders as HTML, DOM tree.
## `stderr` = *varies*
Syntax, runtime.
## State = *predictable*
It is only a JavaScript object.
## Reproducibility = *exact*
Same data should guaranty same behaviour.
exports Cover extends React.Element {
let className = this.state.active ? 'active' : '';
return (
## browserify!
Scoped assets, isolated transforms.
// index.js
module.exports = {
Cover: require('./lib/Cover.jsx')
# #3 WebApp

PORT=3000 npm start
# static -p ${PORT:-5000} --gzip dist/
## `stdin` = env variables
## `stdout` = i/o
HTTP responses.
## `stderr` = *varies*
HTTP error codes, SEGFAULT, network misconfiguration.
## State = *varies*
In memory, data store, ephemeral files.
Nothing guarantees its integrity.
## Reproducibility = *should*
Same args should produce same result. Depends of integrity.
## `npm install`
Cannot be guaranteed.
Package version can be deleted, semver madness, registry can be down.
## `npm shrinkwrap`
Guarantees exact same version.
## `npm pack`
Guarantees exact same artefacts.
# #4 Container

docker run -ti -p 5000:5000 bbcrd/webapp
## `stdin` = env variables, `VOLUME`
## `stdout` = i/o
HTTP responses.
## `stderr` = *varies*
Same as Webapp + Docker bugs.
## State = *predictable*
Data store, `VOLUME`, container to image, void containers.
## Reproducibility = *exact*
(re)start from predictable point.
## `docker {push,pull}`
Move install state over network.
# #5 System image

vagrant up
packer build
aws ec2 create-image
## `stdin` = env variables
## `stdout` = file
a.k.a. *Golden image*.
## `stderr` = *varies*
Linux exit codes.
## State = *predictable*
Mountable filesystem and executable environment.
## Reproducibility = *exact*
(re)start from predictable point.
## Chef, puppet, Ansible?
Reproducible provisioning. Consecutive provisioning does not guarantee state though.
# #6 Machine
aws ec2 run-instances --image-id=... --user-data=...
aws ec2 create-tags --tags ... --resources i-...
## `stdin` = machine tags, user data
## `stdout` = i/o
Network connections, local filesystem.
## `stderr` = *varies*
Guru meditation, monitoring alerts, internal logs.
## State = *mostly predictable*
Load and app issues will interfere (like memory leaks, memory swap etc.).
## Reproducibility = *exact*
If from immutable image.
## Chef, puppet, Ansible?
Install time increased, state not guaranteed.
# Wrap up
# Composition
*Add* and *combine* — no implicit expectation.
# State
*Explicit* over implicit.
# Functions
Simplest interface. Their internal state does not leak. Reproducible from input/arguments.
# Artifacts
Immutable and *solid assets* are best to deploy. Easier to transfer. Easier to reproduce.
# Automation / packaging / *provisionning*
More important than monolith vs. microservice sterile debate.
# Mono-myth
Balance of *flexibility* and *explorability*.
# Data layer
Maintain the data state *outside of the app* stack.
And if no data layer, provide an API client package.
Although we talked about programming, humans are also good at repetition. As human beings, we need variables and variability to maintain our sanity, and to sustain a good *state* of mind.
# Merci 👍
(en Français dans le texte)