They Gave Me Reasons To Be Creative
Reasons to be Creative 2013 is over. This was my first time. Attending this conference. Going to Brighton. Camping and hiking there.
I have been happily surprised by the crowd, and here is why.
The strong talks at the Reasons to be Creative were focused on going out of the comfort zone, getting confidence at drawing your own path and pairing/mentoring with relevant people.
§About Reasons to be Creative
Reasons to be Creative 2013 is a 3 days multi-track yearly conference. It aims to balance between creative design and creative programming.
It has a fairly strong panel of speakers, and even the sponsored talks are proper enough not to be boring. Better, they can be interesting too! (loved the Nokia alarm clock ringtone evolution).
§Breaking the Speed of the Metropolis
Attending the conference was also a good way to break the speed of London. This is a subject which bothers me since a couple of weeks, as I struggle catching up with Time, and achieving at doing all I want to do.
London has almost too many things to offer.
And being surrounded by stormy-thinking people does not help to rest.
I left the laptop at home. Turned off the phone. Bought a map and walked for hours on sparsely crowded trails. It gave me the mood to make pictures. A thing which never happens to me in London.
Since I travelled to Iceland, it seems I also became picky on my satisfaction at capturing landscape. Again, I realise how beautiful every single angle from any viewpoint was.
On monday morning, I was already rested and ready to enjoy people talking and sharing their knowledge.
§Getting Inspired By Them
Some speakers were really mind-blowing. Because they were simple at explaining complex subjects. Because they were joyful at speaking about them.
As a way to say thank you, I made and offered a picture of themselves. A gift of the Now. Something I’ll never possess. Something they will own:
- Eva-Lotta Lamm
For breaking my fear of drawing and providing strong basics of sketching. - Dominic Wilcox
For making variations… normal. - Stefan Sagmeister
For documenting your quest of happiness, and acknowledging that commuting is creating unhappiness — wake up London! - Brad Frost
For aiming at the bullshit surrounding (and generated by) us. - Hellicar & Lewis
For open sourcing your digital art with the crowd.
§Next Year?
There are definitely reasons to attend next year. Especially as James Victore is speaking.
Until then, I’ll water the seeds exchanged with some people.
And, thank you!